Our Mission

The Master Gardener Foundation of Benton-Franklin County is a non-profit 501(c)3 volunteer organization that serves the people of Benton and Franklin Counties in Washington. The mission of the Foundation is to support the Washington State University (WSU) Extension Master Gardener Program in Benton and Franklin Counties in its efforts to provide public education in gardening and environmental stewardship generated from research at WSU and other university systems through education, communication, and advocacy. The Foundation accomplishes this through its partnership with the WSU Extension Master Gardener Program in Benton and Franklin Counties, local community professionals and organizations.

Scroll Down to see examples of programs supported and coming events

Demonstration Garden

Demonstration Garden Vegetable Garden Seeds donated by loganzenner.com

Sweet Potato Harvest

Egg Plant Harvest

Free Garden Education Classes

Free gardening classes are held at the Demonstration Garden in Kennewick from February through October

Upcoming Events

Spring Plant Sale

Our yearly plant sale is usually the second Friday and Saturday in May.  This is the main fund raising activity to support the Demonstration Garden. Come get
the best plants in the area and support the Master Gardeners while doing it.